We choose what attitudes we have right now. And it's a continuing choice.
- John C. Maxwell

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our "accepting" and "willing" are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God.
- A. W. Tozer

His authority on earth allows us to dare to go to all the nations. His authority in heaven gives us our only hope of success. And His presence with us leaves us no other choice.
- John Stott
If you knew that only a few would care that you came, would you still come? If you knew that those you loved would laugh in your face, would you still care? If you knew that the tongues you made would mock you, the mouths you made would spit at you, the hands you made would crucify you, would you still make them? Christ did.
- Max Lucado
The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
- Chuck Swindoll
When the believer is faced with a decision regarding a questionable matter, he should never proceed unless he has complete peace about it. If there is nothing wrong with it, then God is able to give complete peace.
- Curtis Hutson
God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality. Character development always involves a choice, and temptation provides that opportunity.
- Rick Warren
Thus, and not otherwise, the world was made. Either something or nothing must depend on individual choices.
- C.S. Lewis
A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.
- Thomas Aquinas
We do need to guard against making absolutes out of personal standards that are not specified in Scripture, or assuming that others are sinning if they don't adopt our standards about issues that may not be traps for them. But why are we so prone to defend choices that take us right to the edge of sin, and so reluctant to make radical choices to protect our hearts and minds from sin?
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
To be risen with Christ means not only that one has a choice and that one may live by a higher law - the law of grace and love - but that one must do so. The first obligation of the Christian is to maintain their freedom from all superstitions, all blind taboos and religious formalities, indeed from all empty forms of legalism.
- Thomas Merton
It is not enough to ask yourself, "Does God's Word permit me to use these good things of the world?" You must also inquire, "Will it serve the glory of God?" and, "Will it edify my fellow Christians?"
- Walter J. Chantry
Nothing harms or destroys us but the wrong use of that liberty of choice which God has entrusted to us.
- William Law
If I were doing something that the Bible condemns, I have two choices. I can straighten up my act, or I can somehow distort and twist and change the meaning of the Bible.
- Jerry Falwell
Many of our trouble occur because we base our choices on unreliable authorities; culture ("everyone is doing it"), tradition ("we've always done it"), reason ("it seems logical"), or emotion ("it just felt right").
- Rick Warren
When a sinner refuses to come to Christ, he is guilty because he has made a free choice. It reflects his own state of mind, feeling and attitude toward GOD and His Son. He has acted voluntarily without coercion. It is his decision.
- Walter J. Chantry
We are led on by an unseen power that we have not got strength to resist, or else we are led on by the loving Son of God.
- Dwight L. Moody
When an answer I did not expect comes to a prayer which I believed I truly meant, I shrink back from it; if the burden my Lord asks me to bear be not the burden of my heart's choice, and I fret inwardly and do not welcome His will, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
- Amy Carmichael
One of two things you must do; you must either receive Him or reject Him. You receive Him here and He will receive you there; you reject Him here and He will reject you there.
- Dwight L. Moody
A lot of people say, well how can a loving God send anyone to hell? First of all God doesn't send anyone to hell. If we go to hell, it's by our own choice. But when somebody says to me, how can a loving God allow anyone to go to hell, I'll turn around and say, "Well how can a holy, just, righteous God allow sin into His presence?"
- Josh McDowell
Imagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions.
- J. C. Ryle
When the honest, sincere Christian is faced with the decision regarding whether a thing is right or wrong, he should ask, does it agree with all that the Scripture has to say on the subject?
- Curtis Hutson
Our lifestyle, language, attitudes, and manner of dress reflect on His name. He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Unless you are honestly convinced that the thing in question will bring glory to God, then don't do it.
- Curtis Hutson
The believer at minimum can declare by his will that he wants the truth, that he wants to know and obey the truth. By prayer and by choice of will he ought to resist every satanic lie, whatever form it may take a thought, an imagination or an argument.
- Watchman Nee
Now just think a moment and answer the question, "What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"
- Dwight L. Moody
God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only choice is how.
- Henry Ward Beecher
No man can be provident of his time who is not prudent in the choice of his company.
- Jeremy Taylor
All the molestations of marriage are abundantly recompensed with the other comforts which God bestoweth on them who make a wise choice of a wife.
- Thomas Fuller
The pharisees minded what God spoke, but not what He intended. They were busy in the outward work of the hand, but incurious of the affections and choice of the heart. So God was served in the letter, they did not much inquire into His purpose; and therefore they were curious to wash their hands, but cared not to purify their hearts.
- Jeremy Taylor