42 Quotes About Creation

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God dwells in His creation and is everywhere indivisibly present in all His works. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them.
- A. W. Tozer

What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and earth could come by chance, when all the skill of art is not able to make an oyster!
- Jeremy Taylor

Thou hast created us for Thyself, and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee.
- Augustine

You didn't create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for!
- Rick Warren

Atheists themselves used to be very comfortable in maintaining that the universe is eternal and uncaused. The problem is that they can no longer hold that position because modern evidence that the universe started with the Big Bang. So they can't legitimately object when I make the same claim about God-he is eternal and he is uncaused.
- William Lane Craig

The unceasing activity of the Creator, whereby in overflowing bounty and goodwill, He upholds His creatures in ordered existence, guides and governs all events, circumstances, and free acts of angels and men, and directs everything to its appointed goal, for His own glory.
- J.I. Packer

There is still One whose faith in you has never wavered. And how wonderful it is that that one should be Jesus Christ! It was a wonderful dream God dreamed, Christ says, when He created you; it was a stately being that was in His mind when you were fashioned; and I can make you all He meant that you should be.
- A.J. Gossip

There are enough evidences of supreme skill in the structure of the human hand alone to prove the existence, intelligence and benevolence of God in the face of all the sophistry of infidelity.
- A. B. Simpson

Just because creation gives God great delight, we cannot say that He is worshipping it; rather, He is worshipping Himself as He sees His goodness bringing such blessing to people that they give their heartfelt thanks and praise to Him for the benefits He imparts.
- Daniel Fuller

The Indian Seer lost God in Nature; the Christian mystic, on the other hand, finds God in Nature. The Hindu mystic believes that God and Nature are one and the same; the Christian mystic knows that there must be a Creator to account for the universe.
- Sadhu Sundar Singh

We are God's productions, His compositions.
- David Jeremiah

God has set the type of marriage everywhere throughout the creation. Every creature seeks its perfection in another. The very heavens and earth picture it to us.
- Martin Luther

Evolutionary Darwinists need to understand we are taking the dinosaurs back. This is a battle cry to recognize the science in the revealed truth of God.
- Ken Ham

The real purpose is to say the Bible's true, and its history, Genesis is true.
- Ken Ham

God commands these people, made in His image, to multiply so that they, and thus God's image, will fill the earth.
- Daniel Fuller

God can do all He wills (and does) but need not do all He can (and does not). That is to say, God's infinite power is manifested in the works of creation, but isn't exhausted by them. God could have created more than He has, if He so pleased. What God has done, therefore, is no measure of what He could have done or can do.
- Sam Storms

Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working out of the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are beside that great elemental point.
- Augustine

We believe that to Christ belongs creative power--that "without Him was not anything made which was made." We believe that from Him came all life at first. In Him life was as in its deep source. He is the fountain of life. We believe that as not being comes into existence without His creative power, so none continues to exist without His sustaining energy. We believe that the history of the world is but the history of His influence, and that the centre of the whole universe is the cross of Cavalry.
- Alexander MacLaren

How could we have any sense of insignificance unless we were created to have significance?
- Pamela Christian

Creation in its totality exists as a means to the fulfillment of some specific purpose that terminates on and for the sake of Jesus Christ.
- Sam Storms

We want people to understand that we're not just an organization about creation and evolution; we're not just talking about the age of the Earth and fossils -- of course we talk about those things. But we're Christians -- and as Christians, we wanted to show love to them.
- Ken Ham

The grass-roots movement you see across America right now, with the school board battles, with the students questioning evolution in colleges, all of that is really in a big part due to the work of Dr. Henry Morris. All of us in the modern creationism movement today would say we stand on his shoulders.
- Ken Ham

We're putting evolutionists on notice: We're taking the dinosaurs back.
- Ken Ham

The sweet smell of lilac trees, the warmth of the summer's breeze tell me you are not far away.
- Judy Harrell

The first living organism could never have come into existence by chance.
- Dr. Edgar Andrews

The human body has been called the microcosm of the universe, a little world of wonders and a monument of divine wisdom and power, sufficient to convince the most incredulous mind of the existence of the Great Designer.
- A. B. Simpson

The great danger is to always single out some aspect of God's good creation and identify it, rather than alien intrusion of sin, as the villain.
- Tim Keller

To reverence the impersonal creation instead of the personal God who created us is a perversion designed for escaping moral accountability to the Creator. God indicts those who worship the creation instead of its Creator (Rom 1:18-23); and warns of the corruption of morals and behavior which results.
- Dave Hunt

Man is a mass of correspondences, and because of these, because he is alive to countless objects and influences to which lower organisms are dead, he is the most living of all creatures.
- Henry Drummond

There are not two laws of Bio-genesis, one for the natural, the other for the Spiritual; one law is for both. Where-ever there is Life, Life of any kind, this same law holds.
- Henry Drummond

God built into the creation a variety of cultural spheres, such as the family, economics, politics, art, and intellectual inquiry. Each of these spheres has its own proper "business" and needs its own unique pattern of authority. When we confuse spheres, by violating the proper boundaries of church and state, for instance, or reducing the academic life to a business enterprise, we transgress the patterns that God has set.
- Abraham Kuyper

All the work of the world is merely a taking advantage of energies already there.
- Henry Drummond

The instinct of brutes and insects can be the effect of nothing else than the wisdom and skill of a powerful ever living agent.
- John Newton

It was a groundbreaking work in that he basically, in this culture, in this day and age, showed that there were scientific answers to be able to defend the Christian faith and uphold the Bible's account.
- Ken Ham

God built into the creation a variety of cultural spheres, such as the family, economics, politics, art, and intellectual inquiry. Each of these spheres has its own proper "business" and needs its own unique pattern of authority. When we confuse spheres, by violating the proper boundaries of church and state, for instance, or reducing the academic life to a business enterprise, we transgress the patterns that God has set.
- Abraham Kuyper

When humans should have become as perfect in voluntary obedience as the inanimate creation is in its lifeless obedience, then they will put on its glory, or rather that greater glory of which Nature is only the first sketch.
- C.S. Lewis

Set no time to the Lord the creator of time, for His time is always best.
- Samuel Rutherford

For in self-giving, if anywhere, we touch a rhythm not only of all creation but of all being.
- C.S. Lewis

This earthly mind may be of noble caliber, enriched by culture, high-toned, virtuous, and pure. But if it know not God? What though its correspondences reach to the stars of heaven or grasp the magnitudes of Time and Space? The stars of heaven are not heaven. Space is not God.
- Henry Drummond

The creation message has matured over the past three decades, as the discernment and understanding of creationist leaders has matured. More and more, the emphasis is on the foundational issue: compromise of Genesis ultimately undermines the gospel itself.
- Ken Ham

We believe that to Christ belongs creative power--that "without Him was not anything made which was made." We believe that from Him came all life at first. In Him life was as in its deep source. He is the fountain of life. We believe that as not being comes into existence without His creative power, so none continues to exist without His sustaining energy. We believe that the history of the world is but the history of His influence, and that the centre of the whole universe is the cross of Cavalry.
- Alexander MacLaren

God is not a God of the gaps: This view of the deity is a parody on religion that has never been embraced by thinking man.
- Dr. Edgar Andrews

There is still One whose faith in you has never wavered. And how wonderful it is that that one should be Jesus Christ! It was a wonderful dream God dreamed, Christ says, when He created you; it was a stately being that was in His mind when you were fashioned; and I can make you all He meant that you should be.
- A. J. Gossip

We have no strict demonstration of anything, except mathematical truths, but by metaphysics. We can have no proof that is properly demonstrative, of any one position relating to the being and nature of God, his creation of the world, the dependence of all things on him, the nature of bodies and spirits, the nature of our own souls, or any of the great truths of morality and natural religion, but what is metaphysical.
- Jonathan Edwards

God is not confined to the outermost circle of environment, He lives and moves and has His being in the whole. Those who only seek Him in the further zone can only find a part. The Christian who knows not God in Nature, who does not, that is to say, correspond with the whole environment, most certainly is partially dead.
- Henry Drummond

All organisms are living and dead--living to all within the circumference of their correspondences, dead to all beyond... Until man appears there is no organism to correspond with the whole environment.
- Henry Drummond

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