12 Andrew Strom Quotes

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Christian Youth of America, can you not hear the call of God in this hour? All heaven awaits the moment when you will arise and ACT on behalf of your generation.
- Andrew Strom

Instead of REPENTANCE, people are getting all kinds of counterfeit spiritual experiences. There seems to be almost no discernment at all.
- Andrew Strom

Christian Youth, I need to ask why you sit in the padded pews of your fathers while all around the darkness takes your cities and your friends.
- Andrew Strom

If you love your 'Truths' more than you love people, then you are an out-and-out Pharisee. Nothing less. And you will create condemnation and death in people, rather than 'conviction' and LIFE.
- Andrew Strom

Know your HOLY GOD intimately. (When you have seen His glory, His holiness and His love - by drawing close to Him in prayer - then you can usually see through any counterfeits because you know the "real thing" so well).
- Andrew Strom

Many deceptions only appeal to us because there is something inside us that "wants" to believe them. They are seductive because of darkness and wrong motives in our own lives. We must search our hearts and root these out.
- Andrew Strom

As we live a life that is about as unlike Jesus as you can get, a life of comfort and coddling undreamt of by billions around the world; a lifestyle in the top 10% of the earth today (-in debt up to our eyeballs all the while) - the fact is that we don't really CARE that we have lost original Christianity, do we? We are too busy, man. Don't bother us with that kind of talk.
- Andrew Strom

Today's prophets seem to talk a lot ABOUT the 'sword of the Lord' but never actually bring it to bear. They bring no piercing word. And thus the entire movement is open to great deception.
- Andrew Strom

We need to realize that the Bible says to "test the spirits" and warns very strongly that the Last Days will be a time of "seducing spirits" and great deception.
- Andrew Strom

Here's to true 'NEW TESTAMENT' Christianity, my friends - the kind that Jesus and the apostles actually invented in the beginning.
- Andrew Strom

If you have been touched or involved in any way with manifestations or experiences that you think may not have been from God, then I urge you to utterly RENOUNCE (with your mouth, but also from the depths of your very being in Jesus' name) any links or involvement with that experience or 'anointing'.
- Andrew Strom

Now, it should not surprise us that there are strong deceptions or "powerful delusions" around today, for this is exactly what the Scriptures predict will happen. All the way through the New Testament we are warned of these days - over and over again.
- Andrew Strom

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