Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.
- Oswald Chambers

According to Scripture, virtually everything that truly qualifies a person for leadership is directly related to character.
- John MacArthur

A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.
- John C. Maxwell
The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve.
- John Stott
The effectiveness of leadership is measured in terms of influence. When you see someone's influence reflected so profoundly in the lives of other people, you have identified someone who is by definition a leader.
- John MacArthur
It takes more than a busy church, a friendly church, or even an evangelical church to impact a community for Christ. It must be a church ablaze, led by leaders who are ablaze for God.
- Wesley L. Duewel
A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is forced into a position of leadership by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit and the press of the external situation.
- A. W. Tozer
A spiritual leader will first and foremost, have a calling from God. His work will not be his profession, but his calling.
- Zac Poonen
People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.
- John C. Maxwell
The fear of the Lord helps us recognize our accountability to God for the stewardship of leadership. It motivates us to seek the Lord's wisdom and understanding in difficult situations. And it challenges us to give our all to the Lord by serving those we lead with love and humility.
- Paul Chappell
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
- John C. Maxwell
A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
The very first thing which needs to be said about Christian ministers of all kinds is that they are "under" people as their servants rather than "over" them (as their leaders, let alone their lords). Jesus made this absolutely plain. he chief characteristic of Christian leaders, he insisted, is humility not authority, and gentleness not power.
- John Stott
God uses prisons to train people for future roles of leadership or martyrdom.
- Chuck Colson
Indignation and compassion form a powerful combination. They are indispensable to vision, and therefore to leadership.
- John Stott
In this world no one rules by love; if you are but amiable, you are no hero; to be powerful, you must be strong, and to have dominion you must have a genius for organizing.
- John Henry Newman
Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple.
- John C. Maxwell
Experience has taught me that the Shepherd is far more willing to show His sheep the path than the sheep are to follow. He is endlessly merciful, patient, tender, and loving. If we, His stupid and wayward sheep, really want to be led, we will without fail be led. Of that I am sure.
- Elisabeth Elliot
How could I get up there and say, 'People, we've got to do better,' when I was the poster child for everything that was wrong? I've always believed leaders don't ask others to do what they're unwilling to do.
- Mike Huckabee
To convert somebody go and take them by the hand and guide them.
- Thomas Aquinas
Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me.
- Jim Elliot
I dare not exercise personal liberty if it infringes on the liberty of others.
- Billy Sunday
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.
- John C. Maxwell
We must truly serve those whom we appear to command; we must bear with their imperfections, correct them with gentleness and patience, and lead them in the way to heaven.
- Francois Fenelon
The true shepherd spirit is an amalgam of many precious graces. He is hot with zeal, but he is not fiery with passion. He is gentle, and yet he rules his class. He is loving, but he does not wink at sin. He has power over the lambs, but he is not domineering or sharp. He has cheerfulness, but not levity; freedom, but not license; solemnity, but not gloom.
- Charles Spurgeon
Nobody is fit to be a leader unless he would rather be a follower instead of a leader.
- Jack Hyles
There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.
- Helen Keller
The functions of these elders, therefore, determine the power of the people; for a representative is one chosen by others to do in their name what they are entitled to do in their own persons; or rather to exercise the powers which radically inhere in those for whom they act.
- Charles Hodge
To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science.
- Isaac Newton
Whenever God has a great task, God raises up a man of equal greatness for that task.
- Jerry Falwell
The true genius that conducts a state is he, who doing nothing himself, causes everything to be done; he contrives, he invents, he foresees the future; he reflects on what is past; he distributes and proportions things; he makes early preparations; he incessantly arms himself to struggle against fortune, as a swimmer against a rapid stream of water; he is attentive night and day, that he may leave nothing to chance.
- Francois Fenelon